The Belly Fat Battle!
Today, I'm diving deep! This topic hits home in more than one way for many of us, as we tackle the understanding behind the darn stubborn belly fat, AND that powerful hormone that often gets the blame – CORTISOL!
So, sit back, cozy up, grab your favorite cup of green tea, and let's unravel the mysteries of cortisol and how it operates its influence on our belly
Cracking the Code for Cortisol and Belly Fat
First off, what's the deal with cortisol? Well, it's a hormone, and like most things in our bodies, it's a double-edged sword.
Cortisol, often called the "stress hormone," is produced by our adrenal glands and is crucial for our survival. It helps regulate our metabolism, immune response, and yes, even our sleep-wake cycle. It is also very well known as our "Fight or Flight" hormone
But here's the twist, when stress in our lifestyle becomes chronic, our cortisol levels go haywire. And guess what? One of its favorite hangout spots is our belly - our waistline!
Yes, believe it or not – high levels of cortisol lead to increased fat storage around our midsection. It's like having a frenemy inside us, wreaking havoc on our waistlines when we least expect it! But, as I always say: Remember, no excuses allowed! It's time to step out of victim mode. Pay attention to those sky-high cortisol levels – they're major "red flags" signaling it's time for a change.
Michelene's Battle Plan In Conquering Cortisol
Okay, let's get real and talk about true life moments, you know those moments when stress comes knocking on your door like an unwelcome guest. You know the ones – where your heart starts racing, your palms get sweaty, (I almost sounded like EMINEM for a moment - lol!!!!) and suddenly, it feels like the weight of the world is sitting right on top of your shoulders.
Well, I've got a little secret to share with you all, during those nail-biting moments I continually speak to myself by saying "Step away, Michelene, it's making you fat!" 😂 Or, you know, sometimes I'll just throw in a casual "Smile and wave, boys, smile and wave!" Because who doesn't love a good Madagascar reference to lighten the mood, any bit of laughter just to lighten the mood right?
But let's put jokes aside, but only for a minute, as there's a serious side to this too. It's all about knowing when to hit the "pause button" on stress and give yourself permission to step away from situations that aren't serving your health well. Whether it's stepping outside, taking a good breather with a peaceful walk, busting out a dance move or two, or simply just reminding yourself that you're in control, finding your very own stress-busting groove is super, super, super important.
Because here's the deal, my warrior friends, life's too short to let stress call the dam shots. By practicing these little magical tricks, you're not just giving yourself a much-needed breather – you're also honing in on your superpower to switch on and off as you please, like a boss!
So, promise me, the next time stress comes knocking, remember: you've got the power to smile, wave, and throw it straight in the toilet, and don't forget to flush on your way out. Because ain't nobody got time for unnecessary drama when there's a fabulous life to be lived! Who's with me?
Now, before you start stressing about your stress (oh, the irony!), let's also work on a few strategies points to practice, and always been ready to kick cortisol to the curb and reclaim our waistlines:
1. Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine. Whether it's meditation, taking daily peaceful walks, or simply taking a moment to appreciate the beauty around you. Mindfulness helps dial down cortisol levels and keep stress in check.
2. Move It, Sister! Exercise isn't just for sculpting a killer body, it's also a potent stress-buster! Work towards a mix of medium pace cardio, resistance training, and yoga to keep cortisol levels in check and boost those feel-good endorphins.
3. Sleep like a Queen. Prioritize quality shut-eye because, let's face it, who doesn't just love a good night's sleep?
Aim for 7-9 hours of solid sleep time to keep cortisol levels balanced and support our overall well-being.
4. Nourish Your Body. Feed your body with nutrient-dense foods, especially with lean proteins, colourful fruits and healthy fats. And don't forget to stay hydrated – water is your BFF!
5. Laugh It Off. Laughter IS THE BEST medicine! Surround yourself with positivity and happy vibes, escape into your favorite comedy show, or share a laugh with loved ones. Laughter not only reduces cortisol levels but it boosts your mood and strengthens those abs (oh hello, bonus workout!).
6. Did Anybody Say Massage: Treat yourself at least once a week, no, actually make it twice a week (and if anybody wants to question it, just say that Michelene said it's imperative for a magical and happy life - it's the truth!)
My final words of wisdom
Ladies, remember that we're in this journey together, and there's strength in sisterhood! Let's continue to support each other, empower each other, celebrate our victories together (big and small), and embrace our beautiful, unique selves – cortisol and all!
Until next time, stay beautiful, stay fierce, and keep slaying those stress monsters like the Warrior Queens you are!
PS: I'll catch you inside the coaching platform PowerfulME. Don't be late! It'll only cause unnecessary stress.
With love, laughter and loads of support
Michelene Adamo
Power Punch Message From Michelene
I bet you could help ease someone's stress level today, by busting a dance move in front of them, I believe they'd laugh out loud and remember it for the rest of their life. Ready... let's go!