Message from Michelene - Lets Talk Belly Fat
This topic has been asked from me soooo many times and believe me, one never gets bored of hearing about “Why” does one gain belly fat and “How” to rid it!
Yes, that stubborn flab that seems to show up uninvited and overstays its welcome. Do Not Fear!, because I've got you covered on the Why’s & How’s.
Let's bulldoze that Belly Fat once & for all and let’s start making those abs POP - Wooohooo! 💥 Who’s with me?
BUT, first things first, we need to start off by understanding "WHY" Does Belly Fat Show Up in the First Place?
And I always say; “prevention is better than cure”.
Belly fat isn’t just a matter of “bad luck” or a few too many pizza nights (yes, we’ve all been there!). There is a science behind why fat looooooves to settle around our mid-section "aka" tummy, love handles. Here are a few reasons that will help you understand:
1. Those Damn Hormones
Especially for women, sorry ladies, hormonal imbalances are a major cause. When cortisol (our stress hormone) is high, your body taps into fat storage mode, especially around the belly area. Cortisol says, “I’ve got your back, I'm gonna keep you safe from all that stress, here is some extra protection!” Not exactly what we are wanting, right? Also perimenopause and menopause, once you have this phase in check by ensuring that your hormones are beautifully balanced and powerfully supported during these phases, you’ll be feeling absolutely fantastic and onto of your game.
It’s time to start LOVING our hormones ladies and they’ll start loving you back! Our hormones are totally awesome when balanced!
2. Eating until Stuffed & too much Processed Foods
It's plain and simple to understand this point, a lifestyle diet high in processed foods and sugars mixed with fat and carby food groups will have fat flying straight to your belly and sticking there like super glue.
Think of the carbs & processed foods you are eating and believe me, this just wrecks havoc with your hormones too eg:
- sweets
- white bread + butter combo
- chips
- sugar loaded sodas & ice teas
- processed cheese and meats
- fried chicken
- french fries
- sugary cereals
- pastries
- donuts
- cookies and cakes
The list goes on.....
These foods spike your insulin levels, and insulin signals your body to store fat and guess where? Right around the tummy!
These foods are loaded with sugar, unhealthy fats, and artificial ingredients = DANGER TO YOUR HEALTH AS WELL!
3. Let Us Not Forget About Sleep
Did you know that lack of sleep also can pack on belly fat? When you’re sleep-deprived, your body craves more food, especially comfort foods like high-carby junk food.
Not only that, but your metabolism takes a dive.
Sleep is majorly important - don’t underestimate it!
A good 7-8 hours is sufficient.
4. The Sitting Curse - I'm guilty of this too!
Hours of sitting (eg: desk jobs!) means less movement and more fat storage. If you're spending a good amount of time during your day sitting, your body will hold onto that extra fat around the belly. Uuuurgggh!!!
Stay Happy and Healthy,
Why Why Why,..... does Fat Love our Belly?
Belly fat, aka visceral fat, isn’t just surface level, it surrounds our organs. Your body will store fat in that area as a survival mechanism, because it’s closer to the organs and it'll be ready to burn if needed.
But don't worry, we know that unhealthy body fat is not welcome, and we’re ready to rid it!
Lets say "Bye Felicia!" to belly fat for GOOD!
You CAN get rid of that stubborn belly fat and sculpt a sleek midsection with a smart approach! And here’s how……
1. Eat Smartly
You want to fuel your body with lean proteins (chicken, fish, eggs, lean cuts of red meat), healthy fats (avocado, olive oil, real butter, flaxseed oil), and complex carbs (veggies, quinoa, clean corn, sweet potatoes, 100% rye bread). These foods keep your insulin levels balanced, which helps turn off fat-storage-mode.
2. Rev Up the Protein + Intermittent Fasting!
High protein meals aren’t just for muscle-building, they
super-burn off belly fat. Protein helps you feel fuller for longer, boosts your metabolism big-time, and helps preserve lean muscle while you lose weight, this is exactly what we are wanting! Combine this with various PowerfulME Fasting Lifestyle Protocols & then continue with maintaining Intermittent Fasting, and you'll turn your body into a powerful fat-burning machine!
3. Say NO to Unwelcomed Stress & Lets Balance Our Hormones
If cortisol is your enemy, stress-busting activities are your best friend at this stage! Start introducing yoga and morning meditation sessions (morning quiet-time is my absolute favorite), and regular daily walks can help balance cortisol levels. And, ladies, balancing your hormones with the correct nutrition (especially during the menopausal phases) will burn that fat off like magic - that's a promise! Nutrition, Nutrition, Nutrition is everthing, but it needs to be CORRECT nutrition!
4. Move That Body
Cardio is great, combined with resistance training (yep, those weights & Ka-Pow body Resistance Bands - click here for more info) is a magical ingredient. Resistance training + Lifting weights increases muscle mass, which boosts your metabolism and turns you into a fat-burning machine even when you're just chilling - yes, you are burning fat on your "resting" days!
5. Beauty Sleep
Get at least 7-8 hours of good sleep each night. This simple change resets your hunger hormones, improves your mood, and prevents that late-night snack monster from visiting.
Get yourself into a powerful night time sleep routine, oh and just to let you know, we practice Night Time Rituals within all our Group Journeys - These rituals are absolutely beautiful and so very special. You gotta jump into our next group journey - click here for more info
6. Stay Consistent - Not Perfect!
As the majority of the PowerfulME Global Community already knows, I always preach by saying: Consistency is KEY. You don’t need to be perfect every day, but you NEED TO Show Up For Yourself.
Build a routine that works for you and stick with it. Little changes over time lead to BIG results. You’ve got this!
It’s Time to Evict Belly Fat for Good!
The battle against belly fat may seem tough, but trust me, it’s 100% possible to win this challenge! Your body is absolutly magical and very capable of achieving amazing results with the right strategy, guidance and remember that you're not in this alone.
With myself, your coach and the PowerfulME Global Community are here to help you crush it by following the
PowerfulME Smart Nutrition, our various fun-filled PowerfulME Fasting Protocols, our killer Body Studio Ka-Pow Workouts, and our non-negotiable, and unbeatable PowerfulME Community Love & Support.
Remember, YOU are in control of your body. The only question left is, are you ready for it? Are you ready for that strong, flatter and confident gorgeous belly you've been dreaming of?
If the answer is YES, the let’s whip that belly fat together and show it exactly what you're made of.
You can join our next Bikini FitBody & different Fasting Transformation Group Journeys starting soon!
But heads-up, you gotta add your name to our WAITLIST to prevent any disappointment. Not getting your spot secured is a soul crusher, I know as I’ve witnessed this too many times!
Spots are limited!
"My Final testimony - I was on the track of deprioritizing myself and I really needed a reset... Mich was kind enough to allow me 1 week in her 14 day Transformation Journey, as I was travelling the following week and was not able to commit to the final 7 days of the journey.
I feel great with what I achieved in just one week. I love you Mich for the happiness and discipline you bring to all of our lives. THANK YOU!!! THANKS Ladies! I wish you all good luck" 👍 💕 ✨
- Pooja - CANADA
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to give my team a shout by emailing:
Remember, we are always here to help you!
Stay Beautiful & Powerful
Much love always,
Michelene Adamo
DISCLAIMER: We are not doctors and our newsletters are for educational purposes only!
Power Punch Message From Michelene
It's NEVER too late for change, it happens at a click of a finger! Just make that decision.
The power lies in the decision made.